
Showing posts from 2017

English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, like every week I'm writing a post, today I'll write about English Language Challenges. If I'm a sincere person, I need to say that I don't like English Language. I don't know why but really I don't like and I prefer learn other language, maybe Chinese, Germany, Japanese or Norwegian. However in this century is necessary speak, write and understand English.  For me learning English at university is a new experience because when I was in highschool my english class was poor, I think that I don't learn almost nothing in this 4 years. Here, in university we write a lot in English and this is so cool 'cause we expend our vocabulary, I learned many new words.  Something that still be difficult for me a little is talk in English, I usually forget words and how to pronounce them, also I confuse the times, past, present and future. I know you're thinking If she forget and confused all how is possible that she be in English 4?,

Changes To My Study Programme

Hello people! This is one of the last blog that I'm writing this semester.  When I first entered this faculty I was very excited because study pharmacy at the University of Chile sounded great in every way. However, after a time of a studying here my thoughts began to change a little, I started to find many flaws around... One of these flaws are about the Study Program, I think that pharmacy is a really hard career. The days at the university are very long, it's practically all day, so if I could change anything I would shorten this because I think that some classes have too many hours and aren't taken advantage like calculus. The long day also negatively affects the students because most of us live very far away and we lose hours in traveling to the university and when we arrive home it's only to continue studying. I know that If the day were shorter we could take better advantage of our time. About the subjects that I have to study, I think that it's a li

Summer Holidays

Hello everyone! Today I will write about my future summer holidays. First of all I can say that write this post makes me anxious because I really need holidays, I need sleep and do nothing... When summer come, probably the first 3 weeks I will not do anything because after a stressful year I just want to go to my bed and sleep, maybe forever. Then after New Year  I will go to visit my dad and my brothers. I will travel 5 hours in bus to get to Chillan, my dad lives here in the country, I will be there 2 weeks. I love stay there because is so relax, there's not cars, not noise just animals and trees, and when night comes I can see all the stars in the sky, is simply amazing. However not everything is fun because live in a rural place is hard, with my dad everyday we feed the hens, ducks, rabbits, birds and dogs, also we carry the cows from one place to another to eat grass. I still in love being there anyway.  My brother, my cousins and I in summer, a little bit drunk. Who

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Hi everyone! Today I'll write about addiction and drugs. When someone says the word "drugs", sounds like if only talk about hard drugs like methamphetamine or cocaine but there are a lot of drugs that we consume daily but since it's legal we don't see them as drugs, these are coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarette, acetaminophen, etc.  When I was a teenager I remember that I tried the cigar and I didn't like, years later my friends tell me that I tried it again and again I didn't like it, the reason? I don't like the feeling of sucking smoke... so you understand that if I don't like cigarette also I don't like marijuana. About alcohol I've tried and even though I like I don't usually drink, in fact very seldom do I do it. I've never gotten drunk.  I'm not acquainted with drugs actually but I can say that I'm addicted to one thing.  My addiction is green tea, this wonder comes from the millenary China, this type of tea i

My new job

I think I'm an expert at doing everything late, it's supposed that weeks ago I should have written about my future job... For me talking about the future is so weird because it's hard to imagine what kind of person I would like be and what kind of job I would like to have... however I will try it. About my future job I would like work, of course, as a pharmaceutical, I'm not sure in which specific sector I would like to work. Although the drug regulation sector is very interesting to me. So if I were asked to choose a job right now, I would probably choose the regulatory area because I like the idea of joining the scientific with the humanist and in this area I can do it.  I would like to work here because despite being in distant contact with the patient my work would me focused on their well-being. Also I feel that it's a workplace that allows me to learn languages and work with others professionals, learn from others countries to grow and improve the pharmac

Post Graduate Studies

Hi everyone! I hope you're well. Today I'll tell about  Postgraduate Studies, I think that in this century it is necessary for all professionals to perfect their knowledge because at this time everything is moving very fast and in scientific careers always appear new things so we can't stay behind. Although I'm just beginning to study at university, however I've been thinking that I would like to do in the future Diplomas, and a Master degree or a PhD degree. And of course what I decide to do must be related to my area of work, now I haven't decided yet which will be... One of the pharmacist area that it call my attention is the regulatory, so if when I graduate this area still catch my attention, I hope to do postgraduate studies related to this. I know that University of Chile dictates a Diploma in Regulatory Affairs of Medicines, Biological and Cosmetic Products, so this could be one of my options. However, I would like study a Postgraduate in other

Old and new hobbies

Hello my friends! It's been a while since last I wrote... Today I'll write you about my hobbies.  When I think about my interest and hobbies I can say that I really have only two hobbies, the first is one that I maintained since I learned to read: I'm a full time geek reader, I love read about everything and I think this hobbie is positive since reading provides knowledge.  I remember that my first book was The Knight in Rusty Armor, my parents gave it to me when I learned to read at age 6 and I remember that at the beginning I was disappointed because at age 6 I expected to read fables or some princess book and not a novel. Later I thanked them very much because I loved the book. At my age I've more than 250 books and I hope read more, however, with the university it is so difficult today to keep my hobby. For me reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.  My other hobby is to see korean dramas, I think that I started this hobby in

The amazing mitochondria

Hello my friends! Today in this cold morning I'll write about one of my favourites organelle mitochondria. The mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound organelle found in all eukaryotic organism. If you are asking  why I chose the mitochondria the reason is because this organelle is really amazing. First of all mitochondria comes from the Greek mitos, " thread" and chondria, "granule" or "grain-like". About it size mitochondria are commonly between 0.75 and 3 micrometre in diameter but vary considerably in size and structure.  Accordint to the history of science, mitochondria is one of the oldest structures that make up the cells and one of the most important because t his organelle has as function generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate, better know as ATP, used as a source of chemical energy. However, nowadays it is known that mitochondria could have more functions than are believed, this makes it a fascinating struc

The best concert ever...

Your light is reflected now, reflected for afar... -Light years, Pearl Jam Hello beautiful people! Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to enjoy many concerts but the most memorable was in 2015 at the National Stadium. In May I heard on the radio the new about the Latin America Tour of Pearl Jam, I almost cried, my grandmother saw me all excited and gave me a ticket. I remember that I told my friends about the concert I asked them if they wanted to go with me, they said of course. If you don't have any idea about Pearl Jam I'll tell you about them... Pearl Jam is an American rock band formed in 1990, the band has 5 members, they lead vocalist is Eddie Vedder. The band is known for having a grunge musical style. If you have to know a little more about them I recommend that you listen this song. I remember that November 4 like one of the best days of my life, been there was amazing because the atmosphere was so intense and grateful because Eddi

A Country You Would Like To Visit

We must eliminate the most dangerous border: the one we create ourselves... Hello again my friends, today I will write about one of my greatest hobbies: traveling. Some years ago I found by surfing the internet a travel blog called  Marcando el Polo . There an Argentine couple tells of their experience of traveling through Southeast Asia at low cost. As soon as I read one of their blog I fell in love with the few common places they visited and the relationships they established in each country. So from that moment travel became my priority.  I want to know as much as possible, meet many cultures, many people and try a lot of food. I can't decide for one country so I will talk about two that I want to visit. The first is China a country with a millenary culture that has remained until the present. I want to visit places like "The Forbidden City",   Buddhist temples, little towns and of course   The Great Chinese Wall.  Also I would like to spend a long

My blogging experience

The writing is the paint of the voice. Hello people! Today is the last blog and I'll tell you about my experience writing in English. It took us thousands of years to achieve our present form of communication, first were hieroglyphics, then Chinese writing and finally the Latin that gave way to the great majority of Western languages. Nowadays there are many ways of communicating, a classic way of communicating is through writing and I can say it's my favorite. If you are happy, write so you can always remember that moment, if you are sad, write so you can let off steam. Writing is the solution to everything. Ironically for me English is more difficult to learn than Chinese, maybe because I really don't like English but in this world and especially for this university career it is fundamental to learn it because is usually read much information and scientific divulgation in English, so the opportunity to write blogs has allowed me to increase my vocabulary. I th

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Hello people, today I'll tell you about how in this time is so important the use of nanoparticles.  80 years ago technology was very far from being what it is today and what will be in 30 more years. Nanoparticles is a microscopic particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nm, this particles been created and researched in the last 15 years, in the last time  the investigation of its uses has focused on biomedical applications. I first hear of these nanoparticles when I was at school and my biology teacher showed us a study of these in plants where the nanoparticles were able to promote plant growth and I found it amazing. Scientist are now exploring the wonders that these particles can achieve. I think that nanoparticles can have a great impact in the area of medicines since to be so small they allow to have a higher precision in the zones of the body to which it is wanted to arrive, attempting to decrease medication errors or even side effects, or maybe in th

The most enjoyable subject...

When I went to university I thought I would be in the laboratory all day creating chemistry substances, however that didn't happen. Most of the subjects that I have are theoretical like general chemistry, mechanics, maths except one "Chemical laboratory techniques", this subject has a theoretical part and a practical. For the moment Chemical Laboratory Techniques has become my favourite because it applies what has been learned in classes directly in the laboratory, here I learned  a lot of things from the precautions that must be taken to work in the laboratory, like the use of the apron, to learn to separate chemistry mixture like distillation and decantation. The days that I have this subject usually become very long because first I have theoretical classes from 14:00 to 14:50 and then I'm in the laboratory until 18:00 hours. I have 7 teachers, 2 technicians and 2 auxiliary who help us to perform a correct practical work. In theoretical class we're 80 student

A Person/Expert you admire

"Ignorance affirms or denies emphatically. Science doubt" Voltaire . French philosopher "I'm going to be a... when I grow up" This sentence is very common to hear it among children, however I don't remember saying it because I never wanted to be like someone else. When I discovered the great minds of the world I dreamed of being a little of what they were.  In this world there been great scientist, however, those that I have never been able to forget are James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin who co-discovered the double-helix structure of DNA in 1953, which formed the basis for modern biotechnology. Today I'll tell you about Rosalind Franklin , her contribution and how difficult it is to be a woman in science. Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) was a British chemist; she enrolled at Newnham College, Cambridge, in 1938 and studied chemistry. In 1941, she was awarded Second Class Honors in her finals, which, at that t

My favourite book and film

Hello everyone! My hobby in this life are watch films and read. My first book was The Knight in Rusty Armor , my parents gave it to me when I learned to read at age 6 and I remember that at the beginning I was disappointed because at age 6 I expected to read fables or some princess book and not a novel. Later I thanked them very much because I loved the book. At my age I've read more than 250 books and I hope read more, last year I was really bored and a good friend named Hugo recommended me to read The Solicitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano , when I finished almost cry because the novel is so powerful, realist, sad. In this book the author creates a metaphor based on prime numbers and transforms it into a masterpiece. The novel narrates the childhood and early adulthood of a boy and girl, who were each exposed to traumatic situations that followed them into adulthood. Both are outsiders, similar to how prime numbers are outsiders  from other numbers. They befriend

A photograph you like

We keep this life in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Photographs is something that I really love, I enjoy take and see them. I was born in a time when digital cameras were just emerging, my family bought our first camera when I was 6 years old and I remember that the camera used photographic rolls, which we then took to the Kodak store to print the photos. Now, we are in the technological age, all the cameras are digital, that has meant an improvement in the quality of the photos. We went from black and white photos to HD  photos, now it's not necessary to print the photographs because the computers allow to save them, is more easy. Thanks to the technology I can take photographs with my smartphone or camera at any time and place, thank to this I have developed a hobby. My favorites photographs are those that show beautiful landscapes because they are able to teach us the wonderful nature. Today I will show you my two favor

Music In My Life

¿Music? Music is the expression of the soul... In my life I can say that music is all for me because I like write with music, cook with music... I enjoy almost any kind of music, since Rap to Asian Pop.  Depending on my mood... From my stepfather I learn to love Hip-Hop in Spanish, from my mother I learn to love Balads and Salsa.  When I'm stressed I use to listen to the piano, my favourite pianist are Yiruma and I really love the song River flows in you because that song is so magic for me, when I   feel sad I use to listen to Rock or Balad really sad. Also I use to listen to Salsa or Merengue when I want to dance.    When I was 14 I used to listen to Korean Pop, Chinese Pop and French music, in present I still listen to but with less often. My favourite singer is Chojin and my favourite group are Pearl Jam and La Renga. Last time I am obsessed with a multicultural band called  LaSmala ( family  in Gypsy),  their music genre is a mixture of rhythms and

Your favourite piece of technology

Humans at 21st century breath for technology, cry for technology, live for technology. I'm not the exception, I really enjoy with it and I'm addicted. I actually do have a problem in mentioning just one piece of technology; smart TVs and computers are perhaps the pieces of technology that I daily use and enjoy but I can say that my favourite piece of technology is smartphone , it has become an essential tool in my life because I daily use for everything all the time. I'm very grateful with the person who breakthrough and innovated this world with his creation, I'm talking about Martin Cooper, in the 1970's he invented the first handheld cellular mobile phone although he's the first person to make a handheld cellular phone call in public. Since his creation the world has evolved into what we can see today. Smartphone allows me to communicate with my family and friends who live very far trough to phone call or trough social networks like Faceb

Why did you choose this career?

When I was a child my only dream in this life was becoming a physician because I could help the people who needed. I believed in this dream until I met my humanist skills in high school. When I was 14 i was addicted to reading novels and poems and I started to writing my thoughts and feelings, I posted my written on a Facebook page. I was really popular because people liked what I write, for this time I thought that I could study  literature  but then I realized that I didn't want to transform my hobby into a job so I went back to my childhood dream of becoming a physician for the next years before entering to university. I gave the university entrance exam (PSU) in 2015, my results were good but not enough... so I was disappointed. My family supported me and they told me that if I wanted to take a year I could do it. 2016 was a good year but also very confusing because I didn't know that iIwanted to study... ¿Medicine? Maybe ¿Literature? Maybe not ¿Engineering? A