The amazing mitochondria

Hello my friends! Today in this cold morning I'll write about one of my favourites organelle mitochondria.
The mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound organelle found in all eukaryotic organism. If you are asking  why I chose the mitochondria the reason is because this organelle is really amazing.
First of all mitochondria comes from the Greek mitos, "thread" and chondria, "granule" or "grain-like". About it size mitochondria are commonly between 0.75 and 3 micrometre in diameter but vary considerably in size and structure. 
Accordint to the history of science, mitochondria is one of the oldest structures that make up the cells and one of the most important because this organelle has as function generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate, better know as ATP, used as a source of chemical energy.
However, nowadays it is known that mitochondria could have more functions than are believed, this makes it a fascinating structure.

A few years ago it was discovered that the use of some medications can cause damage to mitochondria such as psychotropic drugs, statins, even analgesics such as acetaminophen. There are also a lot of mutations that can alter its operation  and when the mitochondria fails dangerous deseases in brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscle and kidneys cells and in the endocrine and repiratory system can be produced because this tissues are the most require mitochondrial metabolism.

So if you want to avoid suffering from mitochondrial diseases you must have a nutritious diet and go to the hospital when you feel sick.

In summary, mitochondria is a wonderful structure so important for all humans. 
See you!!


  1. i never minded my mitochondria, i think that now i care it, is an amazing organ

  2. I didn´t knew it was one of the oldest structure, I think i should take better care of my mitochondria


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