Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Hi everyone! Today I'll write about addiction and drugs.
When someone says the word "drugs", sounds like if only talk about hard drugs like methamphetamine or cocaine but there are a lot of drugs that we consume daily but since it's legal we don't see them as drugs, these are coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarette, acetaminophen, etc. 
When I was a teenager I remember that I tried the cigar and I didn't like, years later my friends tell me that I tried it again and again I didn't like it, the reason? I don't like the feeling of sucking smoke... so you understand that if I don't like cigarette also I don't like marijuana. About alcohol I've tried and even though I like I don't usually drink, in fact very seldom do I do it. I've never gotten drunk. 

I'm not acquainted with drugs actually but I can say that I'm addicted to one thing. 
My addiction is green tea, this wonder comes from the millenary China, this type of tea is made from Camellia sinensis, despite that exist a lot of type of green tea I prefer the original. Green tea has a high content of antioxidant substances that could help prevent heart disease and prevent cancer. Also has benefits like contributes the hydration of the skin, it helps regulate cholesterol levels and it is diuretic and has low caloric content. However, like any other drugs has contraindications: it's not recommended in cases of hypertension because green tea has caffeine, also interferes with the absorption of iron and interact with other medications.
When I started to consume it I remember that I drink more than 5 cups of tea daily but now I've reduced the frequency with which I drink it.

Now I'll talk about drugs of abuse, I think that all drugs are dangerous however there are some that cause more damage than others, although in fact all have a margin of harm to the body. Some drugs also have a high addiction rate, so for me, despite having many benefits the damage they cause is greater. 

My career is related to the chemistry therefore I'm aware of the composition of these substances and their effects and as a health professional my duty is to protect the health of people and to be aware of the effect and responsibility that entails in drug use, both legal and illegal. 

So guys, please don't abuse drugs... Be responsible!


  1. My sister is also a big fan of green tea, and now I see why, because despite its contraindications, its consumption has many advantages ... I think I will start to drink green tea...Nice post! :)

  2. I love green tea with a touch of ginger and lemon, perfect morning booster!

  3. the green tea with flavor to fruit is quite tasty, in winter you can take it warm if you are cold and in the summer with ice for don have hot. it's so perfect.


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