Your favourite piece of technology

Humans at 21st century breath for technology, cry for technology, live for technology.

I'm not the exception, I really enjoy with it and I'm addicted.

I actually do have a problem in mentioning just one piece of technology; smart TVs and computers are perhaps the pieces of technology that I daily use and enjoy but I can say that my favourite piece of technology is smartphone, it has become an essential tool in my life because I daily use for everything all the time.
I'm very grateful with the person who breakthrough and innovated this world with his creation, I'm talking about Martin Cooper, in the 1970's he invented the first handheld cellular mobile phone although he's the first person to make a handheld cellular phone call in public. Since his creation the world has evolved into what we can see today.

Smartphone allows me to communicate with my family and friends who live very far trough to phone call or trough social networks like Facebook o Whats-app, especially with my best friend who lives in Mexico and my father who lives 500 km from me. In addition this tool has simplified my life because is small to carry and comfortable to use, so if I need to do a job or  look for information on the internet I can do it using this tool anywhere. If I want to see a film or a television series on Netflix I can do it through my smartphone. However this tool is consuming us and has made us very addicted to the point that we have been losing our ability to interact face to face.

 Technology is a tool but we have transformed it into something essential.

  I'm crazy for technology and that's sucks!


  1. I'm agreement with you, the smartphone simplify the life.


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