English Language Challenges

Hello my friends, like every week I'm writing a post, today I'll write about English Language Challenges.

If I'm a sincere person, I need to say that I don't like English Language. I don't know why but really I don't like and I prefer learn other language, maybe Chinese, Germany, Japanese or Norwegian. However in this century is necessary speak, write and understand English. 

For me learning English at university is a new experience because when I was in highschool my english class was poor, I think that I don't learn almost nothing in this 4 years. Here, in university we write a lot in English and this is so cool 'cause we expend our vocabulary, I learned many new words. 
Something that still be difficult for me a little is talk in English, I usually forget words and how to pronounce them, also I confuse the times, past, present and future. I know you're thinking If she forget and confused all how is possible that she be in English 4?, The answer is I don't have any idea haha.
I think that the only way to improve my English is talk more, a lot more. And obviously read, write and listen more and more. Or maybe just abandon it and seek to learn another language that calls my attention.

Despite my refusal to speak this language, I can't deny that it has helped me a lot to learn it. Lately I have bought a lot online through places that only have one service available in English and fortunately I can understand everthing that this pages says. 

Also, I usually listened music in English and it's nice to know what the lyrics of the songs say.     

This is my last blog, thanks for reading! 


  1. bruno mars the best teacher of English

  2. I would like to learn another language too! but, like you said, english is practically a requirement in our society


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