The most enjoyable subject...

When I went to university I thought I would be in the laboratory all day creating chemistry substances, however that didn't happen. Most of the subjects that I have are theoretical like general chemistry, mechanics, maths except one "Chemical laboratory techniques", this subject has a theoretical part and a practical.
For the moment Chemical Laboratory Techniques has become my favourite because it applies what has been learned in classes directly in the laboratory, here I learned  a lot of things from the precautions that must be taken to work in the laboratory, like the use of the apron, to learn to separate chemistry mixture like distillation and decantation.
The days that I have this subject usually become very long because first I have theoretical classes from 14:00 to 14:50 and then I'm in the laboratory until 18:00 hours. I have 7 teachers, 2 technicians and 2 auxiliary who help us to perform a correct practical work. In theoretical class we're 80 students in the classroom and when we go to the laboratory we are divided into 4 sections of 20 students.

I'm a person who prefers practice more than theory, and this subject has allowed me to live the experience of learning by doing. Makes me believe more than I have chosen a good university career. I hope to continue enjoying more subjects like this.

I'll see you at the next post! 


  1. Great post!!,I love make Chemical titration(joke :c)

  2. Chemical Laboratory Techniques is balanced between practice and theory, I like that fact. Nice post;)


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