From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Hello people, today I'll tell you about how in this time is so important the use of nanoparticles. 
80 years ago technology was very far from being what it is today and what will be in 30 more years.
Nanoparticles is a microscopic particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nm, this particles been created and researched in the last 15 years, in the last time  the investigation of its uses has focused on biomedical applications.
I first hear of these nanoparticles when I was at school and my biology teacher showed us a study of these in plants where the nanoparticles were able to promote plant growth and I found it amazing.

Scientist are now exploring the wonders that these particles can achieve. I think that nanoparticles can have a great impact in the area of medicines since to be so small they allow to have a higher precision in the zones of the body to which it is wanted to arrive, attempting to decrease medication errors or even side effects, or maybe in the future eradicate full use of medications.

If this technology establishes itself within the pharmaceutical field, it will have as meaning the evolution in medical treatments.

See you! 


  1. nanoparticles have a wide spectrum of possibilities


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