My favourite book and film

Hello everyone!
My hobby in this life are watch films and read. My first book was The Knight in Rusty Armor, my parents gave it to me when I learned to read at age 6 and I remember that at the beginning I was disappointed because at age 6 I expected to read fables or some princess book and not a novel. Later I thanked them very much because I loved the book.
At my age I've read more than 250 books and I hope read more, last year I was really bored and a good friend named Hugo recommended me to read The Solicitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano, when I finished almost cry because the novel is so powerful, realist, sad. In this book the author creates a metaphor based on prime numbers and transforms it into a masterpiece.

The novel narrates the childhood and early
adulthood of a boy and girl, who were each
exposed to traumatic situations that followed

them into adulthood. Both are outsiders,
similar to how prime numbers are outsiders
 from other numbers. They befriend each
other, forming a special relationship - becoming
very closed but never romantic. Their
relationship appears to have run it's course,
but circumstances bring them together again
and while they clearly love each other, they are
unable yo express their emotions. This
relationship is compared to prime
pairs: always together, but never touching.

I enjoy watching films, so naming my favourite one is hard for me. However, my favourite films are mainly epic, science fiction and those that bring psychological drama. How I can't decide on a favourite I recommend you to watch the classic film Troy, based on Homer's Iliad. The film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved. This's a very entertaining film.

See you soon!! 


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