My new job

I think I'm an expert at doing everything late, it's supposed that weeks ago I should have written about my future job...

For me talking about the future is so weird because it's hard to imagine what kind of person I would like be and what kind of job I would like to have... however I will try it.

About my future job I would like work, of course, as a pharmaceutical, I'm not sure in which specific sector I would like to work. Although the drug regulation sector is very interesting to me. So if I were asked to choose a job right now, I would probably choose the regulatory area because I like the idea of joining the scientific with the humanist and in this area I can do it. 
I would like to work here because despite being in distant contact with the patient my work would me focused on their well-being. Also I feel that it's a workplace that allows me to learn languages and work with others professionals, learn from others countries to grow and improve the pharmaceutical area of Chile.

I would like too that my future work to be a mixture between working indoors, but also outdoor for investigating what people want and knowing their needs.
If my job gives me the chance to travel I think I would be very happy because I love travel!!
About the salary I haven't thought it. My only condition is that the salary allows me to live comfortably.

The last thing I want to tell you is that wherever you want to work you need to be constantly training to get to do an effective work. So If I need to do postgraduate studies I'll do them whenever I need them to improve my work day by day.

Thanks for reading! See you :) 


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