The best concert ever...

Your light is reflected now, reflected for afar...
-Light years, Pearl Jam

Hello beautiful people!
Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to enjoy many concerts but the most memorable was in 2015 at the National Stadium.

In May I heard on the radio the new about the Latin America Tour of Pearl Jam, I almost cried, my grandmother saw me all excited and gave me a ticket.
I remember that I told my friends about the concert I asked them if they wanted to go with me, they said of course.

If you don't have any idea about Pearl Jam I'll tell you about them... Pearl Jam is an American rock band formed in 1990, the band has 5 members, they lead vocalist is Eddie Vedder. The band is known for having a grunge musical style. If you have to know a little more about them I recommend that you listen this song.

I remember that November 4 like one of the best days of my life, been there was amazing because the atmosphere was so intense and grateful because Eddie's voice is so powerful and completely unique. His baritone coupled with the passion he delivers with the band makes them the most believable artist I've ever heard hands down, also the emotions that go into them lyrics are so strong. 
For me the best moment of all concert was when they sing Black, in this song I felt like I was in another dimension I closed my eyes and sang with more than 25000 people.
It was amazing, just that, amazing.

This concert had everything from crying when he sang my favourite song to laughter when Eddie drank some wine in the middle of the concert and said "un manjarsh".

In summary this concert was incredible.


  1. "un manjarsh", the best part of the concert!

  2. I'm not a fan of pearl jam but it's a really good bad! :)

  3. Wow, that's incredible! Pearl Jam is a classic! :D
    I also wanted to go but I couldn't buy the ticket:(

  4. Amazing band, I love the Eddie's voice. I hope see them someday and feel that emotion too:)

  5. the national stadium is huge, and with this great band, it must have been wonderful


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