My blogging experience

The writing is the paint of the voice.

Hello people! Today is the last blog and I'll tell you about my experience writing in English.

It took us thousands of years to achieve our present form of communication, first were hieroglyphics, then Chinese writing and finally the Latin that gave way to the great majority of Western languages. Nowadays there are many ways of communicating, a classic way of communicating is through writing and I can say it's my favorite.
If you are happy, write so you can always remember that moment, if you are sad, write so you can let off steam. Writing is the solution to everything.

Ironically for me English is more difficult to learn than Chinese, maybe because I really don't like English but in this world and especially for this university career it is fundamental to learn it because is usually read much information and scientific divulgation in English, so the opportunity to write blogs has allowed me to increase my vocabulary.
I think that write blogs in English is more dynamic than just learning sitting in a classroom listening to how to write, how to speak... this allow one to be self-taught.

I enjoyed this experience, however I would like a change in the subjects on which we wrote because I found them boring. I would like the topics to be freely chosen, more personal.

This is it for today, thanks for reading!! 


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