Summer Holidays

Hello everyone! Today I will write about my future summer holidays.
First of all I can say that write this post makes me anxious because I really need holidays, I need sleep and do nothing...

When summer come, probably the first 3 weeks I will not do anything because after a stressful year I just want to go to my bed and sleep, maybe forever. Then after New Year I will go to visit my dad and my brothers. I will travel 5 hours in bus to get to Chillan, my dad lives here in the country, I will be there 2 weeks. I love stay there because is so relax, there's not cars, not noise just animals and trees, and when night comes I can see all the stars in the sky, is simply amazing. However not everything is fun because live in a rural place is hard, with my dad everyday we feed the hens, ducks, rabbits, birds and dogs, also we carry the cows from one place to another to eat grass. I still in love being there anyway. 

My brother, my cousins and I in summer, a little bit drunk.
Who's my brother?
After Chillan I will travel to Renaico, a little town in the Araucania. Renaico is the place where my dad lived when he was a kid, nowadays my big brother and some relatives lives and work there and in summer my aunt and her daughter travel from Aysen to Renaico to enjoy their holidays. For me be in these little town is so fun because I have a lot of friends there, with them and my cousins I usually go to Renaico River and some Summer Festivals in the region.  

In February, I return to Santiago for my birthday and I will travel to the beach with my mom's family. 
Last summer I traveled to Peru and Bolivia and it was amazing but this year I'm so poor so I will be in home, Santiasco, and visit my family in the south. 
Also I hope in summer to see my highschool friends, read many non-science books, watch series and movies all day and all night. And my favorite activity in Summer: SLEEP and EAT FRUITS.



  1. I guess the last one to the right is your bro .-.



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